FMS FinPub Pro
I'm your host, John Newtson, founder of The Financial Marketing Summit, the #1 networking and marketing conference for financial publishers and trader educators.
FinPub Pro is the podcast for the financial publishing industry.
I talk to the marketers, founders, publishers, executives, copywriters, and other professionals working in the industry we call "FinPub" - financial & investment newsletter publishers, trader educators, and digital financial media.
I've been in the FinPub industry for almost twenty years.
Join me in conversation with many of the brightest minds in financial publishing as we explore what's working across the industry, what's not, regulatory issues, and more.
14 episodes
Andrew's journey from the trading floor to building trader education brands
Andrew started trading on the CBOE before starting his trader education company.He's one of the few traders who have had success both as an independent publisher and as the face of large franchises at The Agora companies.He's al...
MarketBeat's Dr. Matt Paulson: The Changing Trends in Acquisition Media
Join us for a must-listen conversation with Dr. Matt Paulson from MarketBeat, where we unravel the latest shifts in the financial publishing landscape.
Morgan Busby: Surviving & Thriving in a Changing Financial Publishing industry
This episode took me too long to get done.In this conversation with Morgan Busby, CEO of Financial Media Corp.Morgan is one of my favorite people in FinPub. He’s a great entrepreneur and human.He’s also always wi...
The Finance Publisher for Founders
Mathieu Silverstein runs Wealth Factory.It is not your traditional FinPub – but has done something unique in the industry.He straddles a fascinating line between B2C & B2B.Wealth Factory publishes finance education for ...
How to double trading newsletter sales in 3 months.
How do you double a trading newsletter business?In this hotseat session Bret Holmes, who has helped build newsletter publishers up to $225 million in annual revenue, digs deep into the business of a trading newsletter founder who has bu...
No boring ideas: Why great Promotions are more than just great sales copy
Many of the most legendary direct response marketing promotions had a concept built into them that elevated the promotion itself.A concept that only indirectly had anything to do with the benefits of the product. These were more than si...
Comparing the two big newsletter industries with Matt McGarry
Here in Financial Publishing we've all watched the rise of The Morning Brew, The Hustle, Milk Road with interest.The media attention and venture attention on them and the newsletter boom fueled by the Substack & Beehive boom mad...
Building a Trader Education Business with John Carter, Founder of Simpler Trading
I've been wanting to talk to John Carter on here for awhile for a few reasons.First, because John founded Simpler Trading and built it into one of the top trader education companies in the industry.Second, because John's approac...
The newsletter vs. the high-ticket coaching model. Why Conor Lynch, who helped build a $50 million publishing business is making the switch.
Conor Lynch had massive success with more traditional trader education newsletter model. He was publisher on one of the fastest-growing publishing companies in that last decade. He and the team he was working with grew from $0 to $5...
Why Niche Ideas Drive FinPub with Brian York, CMO of The Agora
Brian York, Chief Marketing Officer for The Agora companies, the financial newsletter publishing giant joins us to discuss the current state of Finpub.This conversation started when Brian commented on my video presentation,
Season 1
Episode 1
How to protect your business from class action lawsuits with Damon Wright from Gordon Rees
I’m joined by Damon Wright, Head of Advertising & E-Commerce at law firm Gordon Rees to discuss the rising dangers of Class Action lawsuits.We dig into what they, why they are on the rise, and the most effective ways you can protect ...
Copywriting for financial newsletters with Patrick Bove, top FinPub Copy Chief
Patrick Bove is copy chief at Legacy Reserach.He's been writing copy in financial since 2008.And has a growing team of nearly 30 copywriters writing for him.In this conversation, Patrick explains what ideas are selling n...
Newsletter King Porter Stansberry on his journey turning a $36k investment into a $3 billion IPO
Porter Stansberry founded Stansberry Research with a laptop and $36k of financing from Bill Bonner.(You can meet Porter in person at the June 14-15th www.FinancialMarketingSummit.com)He and his partner, Steve Sjuggerud, and the ...
A conversation with Mark Ford of The Agora Companies
Mark Ford has been in involved in dozens of multimillion-dollar businesses. He helped Bill Bonner build the Agora Companies, which has dominated the financial publishing industry for over a decade, and broke over a $1 billion in top-line revenu...